
Experimental Korean dating show 'Pink Lie' debuts exclusively on Disney+ Hotstar this October

What would you do if you found out the person you were falling in love with had a terrible lie?

Updated 1 year ago · Published on 07 Sep 2022 1:00PM

Experimental Korean dating show 'Pink Lie' debuts exclusively on Disney+ Hotstar this October
Hosts Kim Heechul, Lee Sunbin, Song Wonseok, and YouTube influencer Ralral oversee a group of contestants each armed with one lie about themselves come together in an attempt to find their love. – Pic courtesy of Disney+ Hotstar, September 7, 2022

THIS October, find out what happens when a group of young singles, each with a lie that makes them extremely hard to find love, are put into a house with the sole goal of finding love in Pink Lie – a Star Original coming soon to Disney+ Hotstar.

Hosted by Super Junior’s Kim Heechul, Lee Sunbin (Work Later, Drink Now, Air Murder), Song Wonseok (Business Proposal, One the Woman), and YouTube influencer Ralral, Pink Lie will see a group of contestants each armed with one lie about themselves come together in an attempt to find their love.

In each episode, contestants will be required to bond and complete challenges, but are not allowed to tell their potential partners their critical lie. Along the way, select participants will be given special privileges in the form of a 'pink moon' which will allow them to find out another participant’s lie and decide for themselves whether or not they want to continue the relationship.

Developed by the minds behind Weekend Playlist, Pink Lie gives participants a second chance at love by removing prejudice and allowing a bond to form before testing the strength of that connection.

Pink Lie debuts this October exclusively on Disney+ Hotstar. – The Vibes, September 7, 2022

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