
[PHOTOS] Riot police, MPs and Dataran Merdeka

The historic square, where the Union Jack was lowered in 1957, now hosts a gathering of irate lawmakers following the closure of Parliament

Updated 2 years ago · Published on 02 Aug 2021 4:45PM

[PHOTOS] Riot police, MPs and Dataran Merdeka
Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim trying to negotiate with police to allow MPs passage to Parliament. – SADIQ ASYRAF/The Vibes pic, August 2, 2021

by Mohd Hazli ‘Bobo’ Hassan

KUALA LUMPUR – Dataran Merdeka has never been lonely. Since the 1880s, it has been the meeting point of various events, be they good or bad.

In fact, when opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was sacked from the post of deputy prime minister in 1998, we saw Dataran Merdeka become one of the “battlefields” between his supporters and the police, especially the Federal Reserve Unit (FRU), at the time.

In fact, July 31 also saw youth trying to flood Dataran Merdeka for the #Lawan demonstration, demanding that Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin step down.

Today, Anwar led a number of MPs to gather at Dataran Merdeka after the government decided to close Parliament due to an outbreak of the Covid-19 Delta variant there, on advice of the Health Ministry.

This was a moment in history where MPs – who have offices there – were barred from entering the legislative building by police, and, in particular, the FRU.

The FRU is no stranger to Anwar. From the time he was sacked in 1998 until he became opposition leader, the riot unit has always been lying in wait.

Today, around 107 opposition MPs tried to enter the Parliament building at as early as 9.30am but were stopped by police, causing them to head to the square to gather.

Their only motive for the action was so the conference can continue to allow for a debate on tackling the Covid-19 outbreak, which has to date killed 9,184 victims.

However, the assembled MPs claimed that the closure of Parliament was done to allow Muhyiddin to continue his political agenda and hold on to his position as prime minister.

According to Anwar, the government is using its power to turn its back on the people and violate the federal constitution, disobeying the king in the process.

In the past, people came to watch cricket or rugby matches at Dataran Merdeka, but now the historic square has played host to rallies and demonstrations.

The photos around the rally at Dataran Merdeka shot by The Vibes shutterbugs, SADIQ ASYRAF and SAIRIEN NAFIS, tell it all. – The Vibes, August 2, 2021

Riot police preparing to prevent MPs from continuing their journey to Parliament from Dataran Merdeka. – SAIRIEN NAFIS/The Vibes pic, August 2, 2021
Riot police preparing to prevent MPs from continuing their journey to Parliament from Dataran Merdeka. – SAIRIEN NAFIS/The Vibes pic, August 2, 2021
The road leading to the Parliament building blocked by the FRU to prevent anyone from entering. – SADIQ ASYRAF/The Vibes pic, August 2, 2021
The road leading to the Parliament building blocked by the FRU to prevent anyone from entering. – SADIQ ASYRAF/The Vibes pic, August 2, 2021
FRU personnel standing at the ready as MPs gather at Dataran Merdeka. – SADIQ ASYRAF/The Vibes pic, August 2, 2021
FRU personnel standing at the ready as MPs gather at Dataran Merdeka. – SADIQ ASYRAF/The Vibes pic, August 2, 2021
Muar MP Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman attempting to talk to police to allow MPs to continue their journey to Parliament. – SADIQ ASYRAF/The Vibes pic, August 2, 2021
Muar MP Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman attempting to talk to police to allow MPs to continue their journey to Parliament. – SADIQ ASYRAF/The Vibes pic, August 2, 2021
Around 107 opposition MPs gathering at Dataran Merdeka, urging the prime minister and cabinet to resign. – SADIQ ASYRAF/The Vibes pic, August 2, 2021
Around 107 opposition MPs gathering at Dataran Merdeka, urging the prime minister and cabinet to resign. – SADIQ ASYRAF/The Vibes pic, August 2, 2021
Two-time prime minister and Langkawi MP Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad at the Dataran Merdeka rally, calling for Muhyiddin to step down. – SADIQ ASYRAF/The Vibes pic, August 2, 2021
Two-time prime minister and Langkawi MP Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad at the Dataran Merdeka rally, calling for Muhyiddin to step down. – SADIQ ASYRAF/The Vibes pic, August 2, 2021
Bagan MP Lim Guan Eng says he only wants the government's Covid-19 management to be debated, not the no-confidence motion against the prime minister. – SADIQ ASYRAF/The Vibes pic, August 2, 2021
Bagan MP Lim Guan Eng says he only wants the government's Covid-19 management to be debated, not the no-confidence motion against the prime minister. – SADIQ ASYRAF/The Vibes pic, August 2, 2021
Syed Saddiq has disputed the government's decision to close Parliament, which is considered rather ‘strange’. – SADIQ ASYRAF/The Vibes pic, August 2, 2021
Syed Saddiq has disputed the government's decision to close Parliament, which is considered rather ‘strange’. – SADIQ ASYRAF/The Vibes pic, August 2, 2021
Kota Raja MP Mohamad Sabu says the Malaysian political state is worse than Zimbabwe's, and is ashamed over the uncertain situation. – SADIQ ASYRAF/The Vibes pic, August 2, 2021
Kota Raja MP Mohamad Sabu says the Malaysian political state is worse than Zimbabwe's, and is ashamed over the uncertain situation. – SADIQ ASYRAF/The Vibes pic, August 2, 2021
As Covid-19 and its Delta variant spreads like wildfire, the march on Parliament by a number of MPs may not be pandemic SOP-compliant. – SADIQ ASYRAF/The Vibes pic, August 2, 2021
As Covid-19 and its Delta variant spreads like wildfire, the march on Parliament by a number of MPs may not be pandemic SOP-compliant. – SADIQ ASYRAF/The Vibes pic, August 2, 2021
Police had to be mobilised to stop the 'progress' of some MPs, who did not want to follow the government's instructions to disperse. – SADIQ ASYRAF/The Vibes pic, August 2, 2021
Police had to be mobilised to stop the 'progress' of some MPs, who did not want to follow the government's instructions to disperse. – SADIQ ASYRAF/The Vibes pic, August 2, 2021
Although the MPs had dispersed at this point, the FRU remained in control to ensure peace persisted. – SADIQ ASYRAF/The Vibes pic, August 2, 2021
Although the MPs had dispersed at this point, the FRU remained in control to ensure peace persisted. – SADIQ ASYRAF/The Vibes pic, August 2, 2021

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