
Putrajaya wants Meta to explain removal of Anwar-Hamas posts

Fahmi Fadzil said he would also be writing to Meta in his capacity as communications minister.

Updated 1 month ago · Published on 15 May 2024 5:57PM

Putrajaya wants Meta to explain removal of Anwar-Hamas posts
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim meets Hamas leaders Ismail Haniyeh and Khalid Mashal in Qatar during his three-day official visit there. – Facebook pic, May 15, 2024.

MALAYSIA will ask Meta to explain the removal of Facebook posts related to media reports of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s meeting with a Hamas leader.

Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil told reporters today that the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission will be writing to Meta to seek an explanation.

He said he would also be writing to Meta in his capacity as the minister.

"As the communications minister, I condemn the actions of Meta in taking down articles or posts from the media.

“Not to mention that these were reports about the prime minister's official visit to Qatar and a meeting with the political wing of an organisation, not the militant wing or the military wing,” Fahmi said.

Anwar met Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas in Qatar earlier this week, and said he had good relations with the political leaders of Hamas, but no involvement in its military apparatus.

Earlier, Malaysiakini and Sinar Harian had stated that their Facebook posts on Anwar’s meeting were removed, supposedly for going against community standards on dangerous individuals and organisations. – May 15, 2024.

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