
Driving schools offering ‘kopi-O’ licences will be closed, warns Loke

He says the electronic driving test system (eTesting) is a proactive, integrity-driven measure introduced to combat corruption in the industry.

Updated 1 week ago · Published on 23 Jun 2024 4:08PM

Driving schools offering ‘kopi-O’ licences will be closed, warns Loke

Driving institutes (IM) will face immediate revocation of their operating licences if they are involved in illegal ‘kopi O’ driving licence syndicates, wanted Transport Minister Anthony Loke today.

He said that corrupt activities during driving tests must be stopped because such actions endanger the lives of road users, especially the youth.

“Driving schools must not engage in corruption. If this issue is not curbed, young people will become victims. Our goal is to save lives.

“The public is also advised not to be easily deceived by ‘lesen terbang’ offers advertised on social media,“ he said at an event in Seremban today, reports Bernama.

He said the electronic driving test system (eTesting) is a proactive, integrity-driven measure introduced to combat corruption in the industry.

He called on driving institutes to familiarise themselves with the system before its mandatory implementation in 2030.

“The ministry is committed to implementing eTesting to ensure a system with greater integrity.

“We have been aware of the issue of illegal driving licences for a long time, but I see positive developments. Although it cannot be denied that some syndicates may still try to exploit the system, we will continue our efforts to eradicate corruption,“ he said.

Loke said the ministry had received several applications from driving institutes for the implementation of eTesting since it was introduced last April.

He added that the Road Transport Department (JPJ) is processing these applications, and the first batch will receive their approval letters soon. – June 23, 2024.




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