
More exports won't cause kampung durian prices to rise, says group

More opportunities means more people will be planting the fruit.

Updated 3 days ago · Published on 26 Jun 2024 11:15AM

More exports won't cause kampung durian prices to rise, says group
Durians are a favourite among Malaysians, many of whom are willing to pay through their nose for good quality fruits.

DURIAN growers have assured the public that more exports will not lead to price hikes for kampung durians, The Star reports.

Durian Manufacturer Association president Eric Chan said the Malaysian produces more durians than the locals could consume. He emphasised the importance of balancing export demands with local supply to ensure fair pricing for all.

“When efforts to enhance durian production and explore new export opportunities are successful, more people will invest in durian planting. This could lead to increased fruit supply and potentially impact the local durian market,” he said.

Malaysia Durian Exporters Association president Sam Tan said market forces would determine the prices of the thorny fruit.

“As production grows, the market should adjust, leading to competitive pricing that will give farmers sustainable profits while also enhancing Malaysia’s position in the global durian market," he said.

“Prices of kampung durian may increase in the future but it won’t be worrying. Over time, as durian planting increases and leads to an oversupply, prices are expected to stabilise, benefiting both producers and consumers,” he added.

Tan said Malaysia exported about 1,000 tonnes of frozen kampung durian to China last year.

“As export opportunities increase, prices of kampung durian might initially rise, benefiting local farmers,” he said. – June 26, 2024.



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