
Ghost of Danial’s past: netizens dredge up Muda candidate’s previous support for Najib, BN

However, some commend him for willing to change political views

Updated 1 year ago · Published on 30 Oct 2022 6:11PM

Ghost of Danial’s past: netizens dredge up Muda candidate’s previous support for Najib, BN
Netizens are questioning the intentions of Muda’s candidate for Kepala Batas, Muhammad Danial Abdul Majeed (pic), following the unearthing of his previous tweets in support of former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Barisan Nasional. – @danialabdmajeed Twitter pic, October 30, 2022

by Adam Ayzzat

KUALA LUMPUR – Muda’s Muhammad Danial Abdul Majeed has come under intense public scrutiny since he was announced last night as the party’s candidate for Kepala Batas. 

Danial’s past tweets of his strong support for Barisan Nasional (BN) dating back to at least 2013 have resurfaced, prompting netizens to question his true intentions in this general election (GE15).

The tweets that netizens managed to screen capture and share were of him vociferously defending Datuk Seri Najib Razak by reminding those who were criticising the former prime minister that he had provided financial assistance to students and civil servants.

Another tweet was of Danial congratulating Najib in 2013 for winning the Pekan seat, and that supporters would always back him.

A Twitter user managed to upload an image of Danial taking a selfie with Najib’s wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor at an event. The image was a tongue-in-cheek response to a post of Danial’s candidacy announcement.

The most shared tweet of Danial’s was his “forever and always” support for BN while he said in a 2018 Facebook post that he was a registered Umno member.

Due to the scrutiny, Danial temporarily switched his social media accounts to private, which prompted speculation that he was on a “cleaning spree” to clear his past tweets.

He then made his account public again, now with fewer posts and followers, and even a response to recent criticism.

“I was actively involved in politics, and at that time, my vision was blurred with racial and religious politics,” he said in today’s thread on his Twitter page.

“Unfortunately, many more share my fate. The Sheraton Move changed a lot of things I believed from a young age.”

He added that he believes in Muda’s advocacy of going beyond religion, race, age, and background, and wishes to bring politics of values, policies, and services to Malaysia.

“I want more to have the courage to change. The past is not a barrier to change into a more progressive political identity,” he continued in his tweet.

“It is not wrong and there is no need to be afraid.”

Muda deputy president Amira Aisya Abd Aziz tweeted that the past does not define an individual’s current perceptions.

“In 2013, when Danial was 17-years-old, he was an avid BN supporter. Now, he is a Muda member and is committed to our fight.

“Everyone has their past, what’s most important is their commitment to the future.”

There were also netizens who commended Danial for no longer supporting BN.

“The fact that he changed based on his principles and truth shows he is maturing,” said former Bersatu member Datuk Rais Hussin Mohamed Ariff, who is now with PKR.

“He wants to do good for the many, challenging the Goliath of the kleptocrats. We must welcome and encourage that.”

Another Twitter user added that political views can always change, and nothing is wrong with Danial changing his.

“A lot can happen in four years, good thing Danial woke up and joined Muda,” said Twitter user Rachel Tan.

“He is a testimony for people who are blinded by corrupted crooks.”

Kepala Batas in Penang has been an Umno stronghold since 1974. Its two-term MP Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican is expected to defend the seat. – The Vibes, October 30, 2022

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