
Anwar receives courtesy call from Chinese FM Wang Yi in Penang

Duo hold four-eyed, bilateral meetings on latter’s two-day official visit here

Updated 10 months ago · Published on 11 Aug 2023 6:30PM

Anwar receives courtesy call from Chinese FM Wang Yi in Penang
The meeting signifies the importance of bilateral trade relations between the two countries, as China has remained Malaysia’s largest trading partner since 2009, with a trade volume of US$110.6 billion (RM488 billion) in 2022. – Bernama pic, August 11, 2023

GEORGE TOWN – Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today received a courtesy call from foreign minister of China Wang Yi, who is on a two-day official visit to Malaysia.

After the courtesy call at a hotel here, Anwar and Wang, who is also the director of the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee Foreign Affairs Commission Office, then held a four-eyed meeting that lasted 25 minutes.

The two leaders then proceeded to a bilateral meeting, which was also attended by Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Zambry Abdul Kadir; Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing; Transport Minister Anthony Loke; Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Chang Lih Kang; and Penang Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow.

The meeting signifies the importance of bilateral trade relations between the two countries, as China has remained Malaysia’s largest trading partner since 2009, with a trade volume of US$110.6 billion (RM488 billion) in 2022.

In terms of investment, China was the largest foreign direct investor in Malaysia last year, with investments amounting to RM55.16 billion.

Malaysia’s exports to China increased by 9.4% to RM210.62 billion in 2022, while imports from China saw a 20.7% increase to RM276.50 billion in the same year.

This year is the 10th anniversary of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between Malaysia and China, and both countries will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties next year, signifying the long-standing friendship and robust cooperation in various sectors. – Bernama, August 11, 2023

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