
Thousands descend on London for anti-lockdown march

Anti-vaccine crowd protests extension of restrictions outside Downing Street

Updated 3 years ago · Published on 26 Jun 2021 11:55PM

Thousands descend on London for anti-lockdown march
Police watch protestors during an anti-vaccine and anti-lockdown demonstration outside Downing Street in central London, today. – AFP pic, June 26, 2021

LONDON – Thousands of anti-lockdown protesters marched through central London today, with the prime minister’s Downing Street residence and Parliament both pelted with tennis balls.

England was meant to have lifted all restrictions on June 21, but a rise in cases due to the emergence of the Delta variant, first identified in India, has pushed those plans back by at least four weeks.

The throng marched from Hyde Park, through Oxford Street and towards Parliament, carrying flags, whistling, and shouting as they demanded an immediate end to restrictions.

“The main reason I’m here is because I feel this lockdown has come at the cost of our liberty and rights,” said Iain McCausland, who had travelled from Devon on England’s southwest coast.

“Our freedom to assemble, our freedom to travel, and work. I’m really quite angry with the government, so is everyone here.”

One placard demanded “arrest Hancock”, in reference to Health Minister Matt Hancock, who hit the headlines yesterday after CCTV footage of him emerged kissing an aide inside a government office.

He apologised for breaking the regulations he helped craft, but has so far resisted calls to resign. – AFP, June 26, 2021

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