
Cambodia’s Hun Sen expels Facebook representative, accuses firm of bias

PM, however, says have no intention of blocking access to social media network

Updated 11 months ago · Published on 01 Jul 2023 4:30PM

Cambodia’s Hun Sen expels Facebook representative, accuses firm of bias
Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen accuses Facebook of bias and turning a blind eye to ‘insulting’ remarks made by exiled political opponents against King Norodom Sihamoni, Hun Sen himself and his family members. – AFP pic, July 1, 2023

PHNOM PENH – Cambodia decided to expel the representative of Facebook from the Southeast Asian country, Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen said late yesterday, reported Xinhua.

“I have no intention to block Facebook access in Cambodia, but will not allow Facebook to have its representative in Cambodia anymore,” he said in a voice message released publicly.

Hun Sen accused Facebook of bias and turning a blind eye to “insulting” remarks made by exiled political opponents against Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni, Hun Sen himself and his family members.

The Posts and Telecommunications Ministry (MPTC) said in a statement late yesterday that it decided to expel the Facebook representative from Cambodia and stop all of its activities, such as company representation, relations with the government and partnership cooperation in the private sector.

The statement said the MPTC has found irregularities in Facebook’s services for users in Cambodia, such as the creation of fake accounts, risk of private data, use and collection of private data, dissemination of fake news, lack of accountability and transparency, and interference in the country’s political affairs. – Bernama, July 1, 2023

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