
Suaram urges end to sedition probe into Borneo Komrad founder

Inestigation believed linked to eviction of Bajau Laut in Semporna.

Updated 3 days ago · Published on 26 Jun 2024 2:53PM

Suaram urges end to sedition probe into Borneo Komrad founder
Suaram executive director Sevan Doraisamy calls for the 'archaic' Sedition Act to be abolished to prevent abuse. – Screengrab, June 26, 2024.

HUMAN rights group Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram) has condemned a sedition investigation into Borneo Komrad founder Mukmin Nantang.

Mukmin has been summoned to the Semporna district police headquarters tomorrow to have his statement recorded.

The probe is believed to be linked to the eviction of the Bajau Laut people in Semporna three weeks ago.

Suaram executive director Sevan Doraisamy urged the authorities to close the probe into Mukmin while calling for the Sedition Act to be abolished.

“Since the unity government came into being, the investigation by the Semporna police into Borneo Komrad founder Mukmin Nantang under the Sedition Act marks the first time the archaic law has been abused to crack down on whistleblowing efforts by human rights defenders,” he said in a statement today.

“This is at the complete expense of commitments made to improving state accountability, and the government’s foundational duty to uphold freedom of expression as enshrined in Article 10 of the Federal Constitution. Such blatant abuse of the Sedition Act also renders the commitment made by the unity government in March to amend the legislation insignificant.”

Sabah Bersih founder Asraf Sharafi was reported to have said that the investigation was believed to be in connection to videos of Bajau Laut houses being demolished in the Tun Sakaran Marine Park.

Mukmin played a key role in bringing the eviction to public attention.

Sabah authorities have denied setting fire to the homes of the sea nomads during the eviction exercise. – June 26, 2024.



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